Monday, July 16, 2007

Christmas in July, Where's Santa??

What a dilemma?

Is it Christmas in July?

This homeowner has me confused. Is it Christmas in July or are they carrying the Christmas tradition for another 6 months.

Why are the ruining an otherwise nice house, with decent curb appeal, with this get up over the garage? How is this adding to the essence of the house?

It's NOT.

I mean, when they drive up each evening, do they not see this?

Do they see how this is not a good thing? It's questionable Christmas decorations and it's pretty close to hideous now.
So, I'll just leave them with...
It's not Christmas man
Santa said take that mess down
Your nose isn't red


Luke Cage said...

It got so late in the year they simply decided one day to say, "ehhh, we only have 5 1/2 more months until Christmas so, lets just wait it out. Ha! What lazinest. And on another note, it's also an eye sore. Daaag! .

Sharon shares said...

THIS IS MY BIGGEST HOUSE BEAUTIFUL PET PEEVE. Just leave'em down if you are going to be too lazy, tired, cold, or whatever it is that prevents you from taking them down no later than the week after New Years Day! Dayum!

Melody said...

Well, I guess it could be could be icicle know the ones that look somewhat pretty when lit up, but look horrible when the lights are off.

Jada said...

Beautiful house!!!That needs to be taken down.But this is July they have five more months before it will be Christmas!!TeeHEE

Veroncia Butler said...

Your blog is too funny, and oh so right. I would love to know your take on basketball goals in the driveway, or in the street.

AR Gal said...

I hate seeing crap like this. You see it all around town where I live. Last month, I saw a woman taking down her icicle lights. I gave her credit for at least taking them down because she is doing a lot more than others, but dang, it was still June.

CreoleInDC said...

"I mean, when they drive up each evening, do they not see this?"

I soooooooooo hate you for that. ROFL!

Adei von K said...

santa said 'take that mess down'

i'm done

The Detective said...

@ Veronica - I can't stand to see goals in driveways, the street or front yards.. I got something for you later in the week. That's a post to come.

@ Sharon - you are sooo right.

@ Melody - Ph I have some icicle offenders

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with this one. I hate seeing christmas decorations up all year long. I usually scream "take it down" out the window as I drive by. I've yelled that so much, now my 6yr old niece does it too when she sees it :)